Friends, Peers, Links
in no particular order

JANE MEYERDING is an autistic woman with prosopagnosia (face-blindness), who writes mystery books about an autistic woman with prosopagnosia. I believe she has the distinction of being first at this. When I read Jane's autobiographical work I am transported into her world.
STEVE SELPAL's (1950-2017) writing appears in Temple Grandin's book, "Different...Not Less." His chapter is CHAPTER 6. A prolific artist and mover in the autism world. He has left a legacy.
Steve’s website: http://www.stevoartist.com
Steve’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Stevoartist/
Steve’s LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/pub/dir/steve/selpal
KATHY HOOPMANN is a brilliant author and a generous and gracious person, too. You may know her as the author of "All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome." She has won 2013 Nautilus Silver Award for Children's Picture Books (preschool to grade 2). She wrote a blurb for my book that I cherish.
JUDITH ROSENFIELD M.A., CCC-SLP was my personal speech pathologist. She became my mentor, my inspiration, my colleague, my friend. Simply put, Judy is knowledgeable about what she does. She developed the pragmatic language program for adults and children, Wait Your Turn, to address the rising incidence of social communication problems, and the need to intervene naturally, within every day settings.
TINA JONES Have you read Tina's blog: Thoughts of an Oil Portrait Artist? What're you waiting for? This is one multi-faceted and inspirational lady. She writes with the perspective of a person on the spectrum, because she is, and she has an endearing self depracating humor... Tina paints with oils (she's very talented) and she blogs about life in her uniquely inspiring way. I miss her. Tina, IM me already!
Mary and Jerry Newport have a charming memorable book and an equally charming film about their journey as a couple called Mozart and The Whale. Mary is a talented artist.

AMY GRAVINO is a keynote speaker on sex and autistics, an advocate, avid Monkees and John Cleese fan, writer, college coach, enthusiastic home cook, autism consultant and a role model for young (all) autistics.
KERI BOWERS is an inspiration. Art of Autism, Normal People Scare Me, Arts... She is an autism advocate, parent, speaker, author, seminar leader, filmmaker and also my mentor, sister/friend and a phenomenal artist too.
Debbie Hosseini (Muzikar) is the author of the Art of Autism Artism books. She curates art exhibits for her son Kevin and other people who are marginalized in society, including prisoners, the mentally ill, and the developmentally disabled. Kevin Hosseini's art has shown in the Smithsonian. His choice of colors, subject matter and technique are awe inspiring.
KRYSTA GIBSON is the publisher and co-editor of New Spirit Journal. She has been on her spiritual path her entire life and brings an eclectic blend of experiences and ideas to her consulting work. She is an author, offers guided meditations, and an inspiration.
Kathleen Tehrani is an ADHD and autism life coach who runs the Autism Brainstorm channel.
WENN LAWSON has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, Wenn has graduated, over time, from being a child considered to be intellectually disabled to a parent of four children with five university degrees. He now operates his own business. having attained his phd, Wenn is a knowledgable advocate, talented writer and super human being.
Samantha Craft is the author of Everyday Aspergers. She is the voice behind @AspergersGirls. She is personable, knowledgable, and a very nice person.
Michael Tolleson is an autistic (savant) artist whose work is unforgettable once you experience it, and his art expressions are uniquely his own.
Frank Louis Allen, remember that name. An autistic artist, his unique artwork is called flowing, abstract, dreamlike, jagged... I know his style is distinctively his, and you should check it out.
Jeanette Purkis, a colorful autistic woman- from inmate to business owner, artist, author, speaker, cat cuddler and nice person, Jeanette is an inspiration for so many reasons.
Stefanie Sacks, an autistic artist and speaker I had the honor of meeting in Boston when she presented there. I admire her grace on the podium. Her artwork stays with you.

April Griffin, I love this autist's artwork. She has range. I'm continually surprised by the images she produces. She's a unique and talented lady.
Katherine Haig, a young woman who shares my worldview, she has an amazing gift in seeing the world and expressing that in various mediums in a way that moves you.
Paul Isaacs is the definition of poet. (HFA), Paul is an author and currently works as a freelance autism speaker, trainer and consultant in and around the United Kingdom. Remember his name.
Brian Be, an autistic dancer, and a prolific writer, dances with SpokeNMotion, works with Poetry for Personal Power, JFK Powers, and Phamaly Theatre Company. He's lives a purposeful life, is full of energy and a super nice guy.
Diana Nakad is founder of miettes, a bakery with a huge heart. See images of lovely SugarArt4Autism cakes here.
John Elder Robison's books are noteworthy because they are written with grit, honesty, and humor. His book Look Me In The Eye, SO reminds me of raising my own son Jeff. An unforgettable read for an Autist, NT or someone curious about how an autistic mind experiences the world.

The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night Time by Mark Haddon is a book that starts out with gusto and finishes that way. I couldn't stop reading.
Donna Williams' (1963- 2017) books will forever be the reason I found my calling. Her words resonated with me from day one, from page one. Start with Nobody Nowhere, then get the rest of the books. A world renowned champion for autism in every sense of the word, Donna will be remembered in our hearts for more than her speaking engagements, books, sculptures, artworks, advocacy and consulting, she will be remembered by a legacy that is HER heart, her spirit, her way of simply being.
This page is still under construction. Contact me with links to your work, or any autism/art/writing/selectiveMutism topic you find worth sharing and I will add the link here.