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The following 6 collages are from the Nightmare series. Please don't share my art without permission, I'd prob. say yes but do ask! There are memes I've made if you scroll down, from collages and paintings, share the memes if you wish.
This nightmare left an impact on me. See me, far right corner, I've stumbled onto a chanting ceremony and I am scared I will be noticed.

A recurring dream I've had for decades, usually when I'm stressing. Being chased by a bear, most often inside buildings, and I can't find a way out.

This dream was actually a night terror- a one-off but I've had variations on it. I was on a dank stairwell when something vile reached for me; I awoke with a scream caught in my throat.

Doesn't seem scary, in fact it's amusing in retrospect. I was being followed through a forest by the Morton Salt Girl. But she was red with glowing eyes.

Caring for my late spouse was a life/death situation and was 24-7. I had this recurring night terror, for those five yrs. that I lost 85 lbs. and always awoke trying to scream. I'd be tossed around from walls to ceiling like a ragdoll, slamming all over the room by an unseen force.

In the same odd dream as the Morton Salt Girl, who was red and menacing and following me, I paused behind a tree so she wouldn't see me, when suddenly all my teeth started falling out.
Acrylic paintings


Collage, all paper

Sharable MEMES from my artwork and my images

For tons more sharable memes I've created, please visit my Pintrest at:
My Pintrest click here:

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